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Thoughts and stories from the veiw point of an eccentric and eratic orbit.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Human -Animal Hybrids, Bush and the state of the Union.

I have been away from home a great deal the past two weeks and only arrived back home earlier this am. Ignoring the long list of things I should have probably made a start on adressing I instaed sat down in my comfy chair to watch Night of the living Dead (The George Romero classic not the Fictional documentry on Douglasville Georgia which shares the same name. Okay there is no such documentry on the suburban night-mare back home in The South but I couldn't resist the jab.) with Shanzi and a power mad persian cat. While watching the movie I pulled the February 13 issue of Time out of the enourmous pile of mail and final notices on the coffee table that constitutes this weeks mail. As I glanced through the magazine I came across somthing Bush said in his State of the Union Address thatI have to say I am embarassed to admit I missed. I watched the address or rather I should say I listened to the speech but there were many parts where my vocal declarations at the radio obscured a few of the things being said.

One of the things I most certainly didn't hear was Bush's call for a ban on "Human-Animal Hybrids". Thank god, I was so worried about the growing menace of the brutal Badger-People roaming the rural landscape! Now if the Bush administration would do something about the Giant Killer Robots targeting our cities we would only have al-Qaeda and Dr Phil to worry about!

Human-Animal Hybrids?!? Christ! doesn't this man have a staff of advisors, speechwriters and handlers?

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