Rant Ramble and Repeat 3 MySpace Layout Codes

Thoughts and stories from the veiw point of an eccentric and eratic orbit.

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Monday, February 13, 2006


Well it certainly is a Monday. Our car was ransacked and the battery stolen overnight by some brazen thief. I feel like turd soup smells. My Sun open Office program is not working and Mozzilla is acting up as well. I feel like malicious forces are aligning aginst me. Lastly Shanzi has doctor’s appointment at 1:30 and I don’t want to go but I have no real excuse not to. This promises to be a difficult pregnancy and I bet there are more difficult tasks ahead than this simple visit. I will not even begin on how tricky this is going to make reconciling my vaporous relationship with my son on the west coast or rebuilding the bridges I need to make that a healthier deal. The distance alone has proved to be a greater obstacle than I ever imagined it would when I first decided to move back to the west coast. I also need to talk to the lovely folks down at the Social Security Office which is always a pleasure. I also have to start packing; I can not put into words how much I hate that. Oh well Monday only comes but once a week. The weather here at least seems have improved, it is beautiful and sunny. That is very rare her in the Pacific North West.
I have an essay I want to post here but it is so far from being complete I have no hope of finishing it any time soon. It addresses my personal struggles with faith and general perspectives. I may just post the “short version” and call it done for now. The first few of the brief biographies I am working on are ready but I am going to wait until I have a few more before I post.

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