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Thoughts and stories from the veiw point of an eccentric and eratic orbit.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Republican Follies

What a surprise. Republicans feverishly exploiting their echo chamber to pound out the familiar drum beat that Democrats are weenie girly men who can't be trusted to keep their frilly underwear unsoiled much less protect this country from terrorists. I wonder if they aren’t right about that sometimes but I sure as shnookie don't trust the republicans to do anything other than ipiss me off anymore.

GOP mole Joseph Lieberman, I feel so betrayed, parroted the same P.O.S. cross party line when he nasally whined that Ned Lamont's win over him was a victory for the kind of people involved in the British Pakistani airline bomb plot. Geeze as Archie Bunker might say. One talking head I saw on Fox News called Democrats "the Al Qaeda Party, truly un biased reporting…come on." And in response, Democrats have vowed to mount a vigorous defense. Soon. Maybe. Once they rinse out their underwear
What is wrong with these guys? They got to get out there. NOW. No. Now is too late. They got to build a time machine. Go back to Friday the 11th. Issue pre dated press releases. And drag everyone along with them. Dig up a couple of dead three initialed Democrats like JFK and FDR and LBJ from the days when the Blue party had balls…isn't there a "Blue ball" joke there somewhere?..Anyone? Bueller? Do whatever it takes to keep the GOP from locking them into the sissy box. AGAIN. Get Al Gore to put together a Powerpoint Presentation to display exactly which party is at fault for America being less safe now. And convince him to regrow his beard.

Its time to fight back. Time to start slamming Bush and his toadies for diverting the money for research and toher none oil driven programs to screen for liquid bombs to fight a war against the wrong people. We got to remember 60% of us aren't happy about INVADING THE WRONG COUNTRY. And its time to lambast the whole do-nothing Beltway for not implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations on airport security. Not to mention the futility of busting passengers for possession of toothpaste.
With only a few weeks left before the mid terms, they got to trot out their history of proposing security legislation that the Congressional majority routinely scuttled. Have every single Democratic Congressman go out and tell those same silly people who still believe Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction why the reason we don't have bomb detection technology for this sort of thing is because Bush wasted all our money on his rich buddies. Is Paris Hilton ( I just can't leave her alone can I) going to buy DC's Dulles Airport a liquid bomb scanner? I don't think so. I doubt if she can spell "DC."

Point out that we still haven't caught the six foot seven inch Arabian guy traipsing around the Khyber Pass dragging behind him a solar powered kidney dialysis machine from the Islamabad Sharper Image catalogue. Though Cheney did nail that six foot lawyer cleverly disguised as a rabbit…good shooting Dick

Point out that Mr. Bush has created more terrorists than he's killed with an emphasis on how odd it is that nobody in this Mickey Mouse administration is familiar with "The Sorcerer's Apprentice."
And then have our bravest, most charismatic Congressman (from the safest district in the country) reel off all of the Democratic plans to secure our borders that have been trashed by Bush's Congress and hoist these squeezebags on their own petard by warning Americans that "Every vote for a Republican is a vote for another 9/11." Maybe Sam Nunn. And when they come at him with teeth bared waving sharpened flag poles, and they will, just blow up the paragraph from the Washington Times where Tony Snow and Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman said the same damn thing in reverse. And still brace yourselves for an October ad campaign featuring Hillary Clinton in a burka.

Damn, I hate insomnia.

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