A few people I love
Despite my constant ranting I am a human being and here are a few people whom I love more than life itself.This is my father with whom I have issues but I still dearly care for. Even at 37 I still seek his approval and respect in a way that destroys my otherwise titanic ability to use words to express myself. My beloved only son Max is there with him. Ten thosand volumes could never lend a clue to my love for him though it may not be clear to some. I think the cute little girl in the photo is cousin Maddie but I am not sure, the picture was taken with me absent and I don't speak to her parents since my divorce. Funny how things like divorces and nervous breakdowns turn close friends into people we used to know.
Ah my babby brother, the up and coming Rock Star. He is also my best friend and together we have walked through fire.
Myself and my three girls. Hailee, the oldest and my buddy. She is the one at ground level wearing one of my driving hats. Ariel the middle child, both in this picture and in real life. She is going to be dangerous and a force to contend with one day. Hell she already is. Then there is little CeCe...the babydoll. So much more than meets the eye with that little twinkle. Lil'bit is so like her mother as to be unreal. Dynamic and lovely I hope to protect her from a world that might damage such an innocent.
Shanzi. My hope and life. She is my second wife ...well not on paper yet. What she sees in a crusty crabby barnicle like myself I do not know. I am simply delighted she has alowed our lives to intertwin. If it were not for this woman I have no idea what course my life might have taken I only know that it would have not been a good one. She has litteraly saved me.
This is me ...I am glad that I can say I love myself.
My dear friend Jeff is the one the far right looking like a frat boy, he is not one. Mike of "UFO's" fame is there kind of in the middle being tall by sitting down and looking shorter than me. I am there to with my "Jew Fro" looking tall and being short. So to is Cathy, Jeffs sister and Tim Pomeroy. I have not spoke to him in years I hope he is doing well, he deserves to. Sara is in there as well. She is the sister if my other friend Mike and the girl whom Matthew would crumble up saltines over as she slept long ago in another world.
Well thats the short list I am off to call my brother far away in Georgia and have a diet coke.
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