Medicare and Tax Cuts Nuts (My new third testicle)
Tax Cuts
The American people love tax cuts. That was the Republican reasoning for trying to gut Medicare to the tune of $268 billion and offset it with tax cuts in 2000 and more since (I don't have the numbers on all that handy and I doubt I'll bother to post them later)
Everytime I go to the drug store to TRY and fill my prescriptions I am reminded of how badly the republicans have slashed Medicare and how they squashed, back in the 90's, what every other civilized 1st world (?) country has…National Health Care.
Tax cut after tax cut has been made in the programs I as a member of the WORKING POOR depend on namely Medicare. I depend on it for my health, sanity and possibly my life. This where I want my few little bitty tax dollars to go to.
"The American people want tax cuts." Well, let's catalogue more things the American people want.
The American people want drive through nickel beer night.
The American people want to lose weight by eating sour cream and onion potato chips.
The American people want to clip Get Out Of Jail Free coupons from the Sunday Comics section.
The American people would chew off their own foot if Jerry Springer told them there was a liquid gold in their ankle veins.
20 percent of the American people didn't understand the question so much they thought Ross Perot was the answer at one time.
The American people think Bruce Willis can actually dodge bullets.
The American people love the Home Shopping Network because its commercial free.
68 percent of the American people still believe Professional Wrestling is legitimate.
60 percent of the American S.U.V.s during a fuel "Crisis" (It ain't a shortage folks it's a "Crisis")
98 recent of S.U.V. drivers have never have been more than 1/4 mile "Off road"
In America Bankers not Bikers now ride Harley Davison Motor Cycles
A huge chunk of Americans don't realize Larry the cable Guy is a Character actor making fun of them in a deeply sardonic fashion. Come on folks this is Ernest all over again. Please, please don't "Gitt-er Done"
Ugh. Meanwhile I still have to wait a year and a half on my waiting list for a primary care physician to talk to him/her about my new third testicle.
Cut this. bleh
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