Rant Ramble and Repeat 3 MySpace Layout Codes

Thoughts and stories from the veiw point of an eccentric and eratic orbit.

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Thursday, January 19, 2006



I'm not a woman and therefore I have little right to say much on feminine issues especially ones concerned with their rights to manage their own bodies. However abortion is not solely a woman’s issue.
Presently, sperm is involved in the human reproductive process, cloning techniques are not at the point where men can be completely omitted from human reproduction. Therefore, I do have a right to hold a strong Opinion on abortion but I do not have any such opinion(s). At least any that are clearly defined or that I am comfortable with. I can't see how anyone who gives the subject any amount of serious contemplation could do that. Even so, I think I have a solution to the abortion issue as far the laws stance and status is concerned not to mention the stance of The U.S. Supior Court on Roe vs Wade issues is as well.
You see, I think if all the children who are born into situations where they are not wanted, and those children born with medical conditions nesitating medical treatment of a critical nature were to be made wards of the state with, and here is the important part, an additional tax applicable to every taxpayer then the issue of abortion would vanish. Why? Because most people are very morale until they literally have to put their money where their proverbial mouth is. I find it funny how scripture and moral dictates are subject to change when they don't fit our comfortable lifestyle. Adjustment become nesassry to the absolutes of morality when they conflict with application into standard moral codes for daily living more so when they strick folks where it stings the most, their personal pocket books. It's at that point most people throw up their hands, and absolve themselves and "Leave it up to God". Yes, when you "Bring it home" an otherwise clearly defined things get a bit murky and the issue is sundenly quite complex. That applies to me as well my dear friends, foes*, and family...oh yeah and you Romans their in the back too. Where did ya'll come from anyway?
A better idea still comes from Bill Hicks**. Bills idea is as follows:

“I tell ya how you can solve this abortion issue right now. Ready? Those unwanted babies that single moms leave in alleys and in dumpsters? Leave about 12 of those on the steps of The Supreme Court. This is over. Like that. "You guys said we had to have them? Then you guys...FUCKING RAISE 'EM." "Raise 'em then, you fucking raise 'em. YOU raise 'em. You said I had to have it? Then it's yours. Fuck. It's yours..Take it"

*I hope I don't have any of those

**Thank you for the insperation Bill.

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